Individual DBT Skills Training
Learn the DBT skills from an experienced skills trainer in the order that makes the most sense for you…
Learn to focus your attention more fully on the present moment which will help you . . .
Participate in your life more fully and with more intentionality
Gain awareness of your thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations and how they impact you
Spend less time ruminating about the past and worrying about the future
… and so much more.
Distress Tolerance
Get through the moment without making it worse …
Learn tools to help you turn the dial down on your emotions to avoid making a crisis situation worse
Decrease the duration of high intensity emotions
Decrease the frequency of impulsive and potentially relationship destroying behaviors
… take ownership of your emotions, they don’t get to call the shots for you.
Emotion Regulation
Learn what your emotions do for you …
Emotions give us important information, you can learn to use that information to guide you in an effective way
Build your confidence in approaching your emotions
Reduce the fear you have of your emotions and gain freedom from feeling like you have to avoid them
…your emotions are not your enemy.
Interpersonal Effectiveness
Build and maintain healthy relationships …
Balance assertiveness and kindness
Be true to yourself and your values to find your true people
Learn to communicate in a way that makes it more likely other people will hear you out
… know when to call it quits on relationships that are not healthy.